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Poker & Card Table Buyers Guide Part 1

A typical "Man Cave" item that we see in many home game rooms is the card table.  Most people think of the generic "dogs playing poker" style table with green felt and a couple of folding legs.  While these remain popular, many manufacturers are building game tables designed around specific card games or for other rooms in the house, including the kitchen.  Our best selling game tables double as dining tables and feature 2-in-1 flip tops with built in storage.  These tables can be as small as 36" in diameter or custom built to 90"+ for Texas Holdem' games.

This Game Table Set by Legacy Billiards is 48", Features Dining on one side and 8 player card layout on the other

The first thing to ask yourself when shopping for a dedicated card table is "how many players do I need to seat and how often with this table be used for other things?"  If you play Gin Rummy you might be able to get away with just a pub table and couple of bar stools.  If you play poker then seating for at least 6 to 8 players is a must.  Many people get a nice set with four chairs, then keep four less bulky and expensive folding chairs around for when they need additional seats.  If you really need seating for 8 players and want big comfy chairs for everyone, you need to consider larger tables at least 54" in diameter.  Better yet, 60" Round tables also make it easy to put additional chairs around without players "knocking knees".  If ten player texas holdem' is your game of choice there is no substitute for a dedicated 90" or longer oval table.

This Centennial Game Table Set by Brunswick is 54" in diameter and easily fits four extra Game Chairs for eight players

If this size traditional game table is not in the picture for your home then there is a new catagory of card table designed specifically for eat in kitchens or customers who just don't want to look at a "poker table" all the time.  Custom built casual dining card tables are starting to really catch on in smaller homes or urban areas where a dedicated game room is out of the question.  For example, a pub table with a flip top measuring only 36" can be used as a card table for four and flipped over for dining the rest of the time.  Some companies make larger dining tables that have removable "leaf" tops that hide bumper pool or poker games. 

This custom gathering height dining/card table by Darafeev is one of the best looking 2-in1- game tables available

Whether you dig the folding leg "man cave" style tables or one of stunning custom 2-in-1 dining tables available, what really matters is your lifestyle and making sure to use and enjoy whatever you choose.

Previous article Dining Pool Table Buyers Guide

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